The University of South Dakota Physics club (USDPC) was established in 1947 as a Chapter of the National Society of Physics Students, and is a nonprofitable academic organization providing a common platform to all the students of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Its prime purpose is to facilitate and foster interaction and camaraderie among all the graduate and undergraduate students.
All the students registered within the department are automatically members of the USDPC. The USDPC is run by officers elected annually in December by USDPC general members.
Officers are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and webmaster. There is one faculty adviser from the Physics Department at USDPC, although all faculty members are happy to support the Physics Club.
Mission Statement of the USD Physics Club
The mission of the USDPC is to serve all students directly associated with the Physics Department at the University of South Dakota. We seek to provide a community within the department for graduate and undergraduate students alike, through events involving regular talks by students, different professional development workshops, various outreach activities, and direct interaction with faculties and other researchers. USDPC also provides the student’s voice to the department’s administration, faculty, university administration, and other student organizations.
All members of the Physics Department at USD are automatically member. That includes both undergrads and graduate students.
Currently we meet at Akeley 314 every Thursday at 4:30p.m.
Drop by if you want to learn more about the club.
Unofficial positions overseeing certain Club activities may come into existence as situations require. These positions can be made permanent roles in the Leadership Team if the activity transitions to a permanent, regular Club Event and the Physics Club membership approves of the change.
The Journal Club is for students and members of the Physics Club to read and discuss a variety of Physics journal articles, both past and present, to increase their awareness of Physics research topics.
Visit the Journal Club page to learn more.
The Telescopers are a skywatching and stargazing group organized by the Physics Club and open to the public. Anyone can participate in amatuer astronomy at our viewing events in the Vermillion area.
Visit the Telescopers site to learn more.
President: Mitra Soumodeep
Vice President:
Treasurer :
Other Positions
Telescopers Coordinator: Oleksandra “Sasha” Lukina
Current Faculty Advisor to the Physics Club:
Dr. James L Tracy, Jr
Akeley 107